The Veneto pilot studies a highly diverse landscape with mountains, large lakes, rivers, lowlands, a coastal strip, and the Venice lagoon. The variety of ecosystems and natural richness are highly exploited, and drive the economy of the region, largely built on tourism, finance, agriculture, and industrial activities.
The region faces a literal myriad of interrelated natural, anthropogenic, and climate change-induced hazards, including floods, droughts, landslides, tornados, forest fires, overexploitation, sea level rise, and water pollution. These interrelated hazards bring risks for a large range of sectors, including the ecosystems & forestry, tourism, and regional finance industries.
Currently, disaster risk assessment in the region has a single-hazard, single-sector approach which does not take trade-offs and synergies into account. This can cause conflicts that can have negative impacts on the local economy in which SMEs play an important role.
The work of MYRIAD-EU will help frame the nexus of risks through co-occurence of natural hazards with anthropogenic hazards and climate change, and understand the impacts on environmental quality and ecosystem services from the mountains to the sea.
The Veneto pilot contributes to the ‘EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region’ by enhancing sustainable and responsible tourism, as well as to the ‘EU Strategy for the Alpine Region’ and its focus on economic growth and innovation.