Early Career Researchers of MYRIAD-EU
Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are an important part of the scientific community, they promote greater interactions between junior and senior researchers, provide projects with new perspectives on ECR related issues and increase overall organisational productivity. So, it’s no surprise that Early Career Researchers are at the heart of the MYRIAD-EU project!
Within MYRIAD-EU, there is a novel three-pillar advisory structure composed of an External Advisory Board, an internal Sounding Board, and an Early Career Board (ECRB). The ECRB consists of 4 elected members (with gender balance) and each year a representative is elected from the group for a 1 year long term during which time they become part of the MYRIAD-EU management team. MYRIAD-EU’s current representative for the Early Career Researchers Board (ECRB), Kelley De Polt sheds light on what it means to be involved with the board and how the group intends to grow in the near future
What has your experience been like working as representative for the ECRB?
Serving as the representative on the Early Career Researchers Board has been an invaluable experience over the past year. In this role, I have been actively involved in the management team, learning how a large multi-member project works, while also being given a space to speak on behalf of and support early career researchers in this project.
What does it mean to be involved in the ECRB?
Being involved in the Early Career Researchers Board (ECRB) has been very meaningful for me as we are able to directly build a community and networks for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) within the MYRIAD-EU project. We also help organise important research communication opportunities for ECRs to disseminate their ideas and results to other members of the consortium, as the research and elements produced by ECRs are integral to the progress of MYRIAD.
How do you see young professionals playing a role in ECRB?
The Early Career Researchers Board (ECRB) sees young professionals as an active part of the early career group of the MYRIAD-EU consortium, especially in a project that highlights interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration. The term early career ‘researcher’ is a relevant term for all those who participate within the research outputs and objectives of MYRIAD, such as contributing to research through development, implementation and communication. We use the EGU definition of Early Career Scientist as an approximation of who would be considered an Early Career Researcher. Their definition is: “An Early Career Scientist (ECS) is a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years.”. Therefore, we welcome participation in Early Career activities hosted by the ECRB and membership within the board is open to anyone who fits the criteria.